$450.00 plus shipping
Merritt, Wesley, major-general, was born in New York city,
June 16, 1836. He was graduated at the United States military
academy and brevetted 2nd lieutenant of dragoons, July 1, 1860.
He was promoted 2nd lieutenant, Jan. 28, 1861; 1st lieutenant,
May 13, 1861, was transferred to the 2nd cavalry, Aug. 3, 1861,
and promoted captain, April 5, 1862. In 1861-62 he served as
adjutant-general of the Utah forces, then adjutant of the 2nd
cavalry and after that in the defenses of Washington. He was
aide-de-camp to Gen. John Cook, 1862-63, and to Gen. Stoneman
in 1863; participated in Stoneman's raid toward Richmond in
April and May, 1863, and commanded the reserve cavalry brigade
in the Pennsylvania campaign of 1863, receiving his commission
as brigadier-general of volunteers June 29. He was brevetted
major U. S. A. for gallantry at Gettysburg, and served in the
various engagements in Virginia in 1863-64, winning the brevets
of lieutenant-colonel, colonel and brigadier-general in the
regular army and major-general of volunteers for gallantry at
the battles of Yellow tavern, Haw's shop, Winchester and Five
Forks, respectively. On March 13, 1865, he was given the
additional brevet of major-general U. S. A. "for gallant and
meritorious services." He was commissioned major-general of
volunteers on April 1, 1865, for "gallant service," and was
present at the surrender of Lee at Appomattox. He was
afterwards successively in command of the military division of
the Southwest, the Department of Texas, and the military
division of the Gulf,and was mustered out of the volunteer
service Feb. 1, 1866. In the regular army he was promoted
lieutenant colonel of the 9th cavalry in 1866, colonel of the
5th cavalry in 1876, brigadier-general in 1887, and major-
general April 25, 1895. After the war he was employed chiefly
on frontier duty until 1882; was superintendent of the U. S.
military academy from 1882 to 1887; commanded the Department of
the Missouri, 1887-91;the Department of Dakota, 1891-95; the
Department of Missouri again 1895-97, and the Department of the
East, with headquarters at Governor's island, New York harbor,
1897-98. He was appointed to command the forces in the
Philippines in May, 1898, and was retired by operation of law,
June 16, 1900. He was a delegate to the United States peace
commission at Paris in Oct., 1898.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 8