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Pleasonton, Alfred, major-general, was born in Washington,
D. C., June 7, 1824. He was graduated at the United States
military academy in 1844 and served in the war with Mexico,
where he won the brevet of 1st lieutenant for gallantry at Palo
Alto and Resaca de la Palma. He was promoted captain in 1855,
served during the disturbances in Kansas and was then from 1858
to 1860 assistant adjutant-general of the Department of Oregon.
He commanded a regiment in the Department of Utah from June to
Aug., 1861, then took the regiment to Washington, and on Aug.
3, he was transferred to the 2nd cavalry, being subsequently
engaged in the defenses of Washington. He served in the siege
of Yorktown and the Seven Days' battles, was commissioned
brigadier-general of volunteers, July 16, 1862, and commanded
the advance cavalry division of the Army of the Potomac in the
Maryland campaign in the fall of that year. For his services
at Antietam he was brevetted lieutenant-colonel, and he
subsequently took part in the Rappahannock campaign in the
winter of 1862-63, and until June 1863; commanded the cavalry
corps of the Army of the Potomac during the Pennsylvania
campaign, and was brevetted colonel for his services at
Gettysburg. He was promoted major-general of volunteers, June
22, 1863, took part in the battles of Culpeper Court House and
Brandy Station, Va., and in March, 1864, was transferred to the
Department of the Missouri, where he was engaged in the
defenses of Jefferson City, on Oct. 8. He commanded
subsequently the cavalry in pursuit of the Confederate Gen.
Price, and routed him near Marais des Cygnes river on Oct. 25.
For his services against Price he was brevetted brigadier-
general in the regular army on March 13, 1865, and his brevet
of major-general U. S. A. for gallant and meritorious services
in the field during the war bore the same date. Gen.
Pleasonton was mustered out of the volunteer service, Jan. 15,
1866, after having engaged in over one hundred battles and
skirmishes, and he resigned his commission in the regular army
in 1868. He was subsequently for several years collector of
internal revenue in New York city, and then became president of
the Terre Haute & Cincinnati railroad. In May, 1888, he was
placed on the retired list with the rank of major. Gen.
Pleasonton died in Washington, D. C., Feb. 17, 1897.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 8