$475.00 plus shipping
First Brigade
Capt. James M. Robertson
9th Michigan Battery- Capt. Jabez J. Daniels
6th New York Independent Battery- Capt. Joseph W. Martin
Batteries B & L, 2nd United States Artillery- Lt. Edward Heaton
Battery M, 2nd United States Artillery- Lt. A. C. M. Pennington, Jr.
Battery E, 4th United States Artillery- Lt. Samuel S. Elder
Horse Artillery, 1st Brigade was also known as Robertson’s Brigade. During the battle of Gettysburg, it served as a member of the Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac. The brigade was commanded by James Madison Robertson (d. January 21, 1891), an artillery officer in the United States Army who commanded the U.S. Horse Artillery Brigade during the American Civil War. In May 1861, Robertson received his captaincy as the army expanded for the Civil War, and was assigned to command Battery B, 2nd U.S. Artillery. Robertson’s Battery B was combined with Battery L early in the war, and he commanded the combined batteries during the Peninsula Campaign in mid-1862. Robertson succeeded William Hays as the commander of the U.S. Horse Artillery Brigade, and held that position through the remainder of the war. Engaged in most of the major battles in the Eastern Theater, Robertson was awarded successive brevet promotions to brigadier general by the end of the war. After the war, Robertson returned to his permanent rank of captain in the Regular Army, and earned a promotion to major in June 1874. He transferred to the 3rd U.S. Artillery in 1875, and retired in 1879. He died on January 21, 1891.
The Robertson's Brigade - US Brigade Tablet, also known as the Army of The Potomac Cavalry Corps Horse Artillery Brigade Tablet, is located on Pleasanton Avenue on the left or north side of the road if traveling east, just before the Route 134 (Taneytown Road) intersection. Pleasanton Avenue ends here, 175 feet away. The Hummelbaugh Farm is located at this site as well.
"JAMES M ROBERTSON Born in New Hampshire Appointed from the Army
Private 2d US Artillery December 1838 enlisted 1843 Quartermaster Sergeant of regiment In the war with Mexico and engaged at the siege of Vera Cruz battles of Churubusco Molino del Rey Chapultepec action of Gareta San Cosme and assault and capture of the City of Mexico Acted as Commissary Sergeant of Subsistence for Worth's Division Brevet Second Lieutenant 2d US Artillery June 1848 Second Lieutenant 2d US Artillery June 1848 In Florida during the Indian troubles 1849 to 1853
First Lieutenant 2d US Artillery 1853 At Fort Monroe Va to 1854 In Florida to 1857 At Forts Brady Mich and Snelling Minn to March 1858 With light battery of regiment to 1860 At Plattsburg Barracks NY March 1860 to January 1861 At Fort McHenry Baltimore Md Washington DC and Fort Hamilton New York Harbor to April 1861 On Santa Rosa Island to January 1862 Engaged in the defence of Fort Pickens and bombardment of the Pensacola Navy Yard Captain 2d US Artillery May 1861 Joined battery at Washington DC February 1862 In the Peninsular campaign and engaged at the actions of Slatersville Chickahominy Mechanicsville Meadow Bridge battles of Gaines Mill Malvern Hill and action of Malvern Hill Engaged covering retreat from Fairfax Court House to Alexandria actions of Fairfax Court House Poolesville Cococton Pass battle of South Mountain action of Sharpsburg battle of Antietam actions of Shepherdstown Charlestown and Warrenton Commanding Brigade of Horse Artillery Engaged in Stoneman's raid April to May 1863 battles of Beverly Ford Gettysburg action of Culpepper Court House battles of Todd's Tavern Spottsylvania Court House actions of Yellow Tavern Hawes Shop Old Church defence of the government supplies at White House Landing and action of Jones Bridge Inspecting government horses St Louis Mo August 1864 to January 1865 Commanding Horse Artillery Brigade Pleasant Valley Va and Bladensburg Md to September 1865
En route to and at Monterey Cal Brevet Major US Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle Gaines Mill Va Brevet Lieutenant Colonel US Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Gettysburg Penn Brevet Colonel US Army for gallant and meritorious services at the battle of Cold Harbor Va. Brevet Brigadier General US Army for distinguished services while Chief of Horse Artillery attached to the Cavalry Corps of the Army of the Potomac during the campaign from May to August 1864 including the battles of the Wilderness Cold Harbor Hawes Shop and Trevillian Station Va....."