$595.00 plus shipping
"Civil War Union Brigadier General. Prior to the Civil War, he was Adjutant General of the Ohio State Milita. When President Lincoln issued the call for troops, he organized the volunteer regiments that were placed in Virginia and was commissioned Colonel of the 18th Ohio Infantry, in May 1861. In 1862, he was sent to Indiana and established an intelligence network to deal with rebel sympathizers. He was promoted Brigadier General in command of the District of Indiana and his intelligence sources were instrumental in quelling the operations of political societies and enemies againest the Union. In 1864, he rejoined the 18th Ohio and completed his war duty in the Army of the Cumberland. Following the Civil War, he was made commander of the Mountain District, Department of the Missouri and moved his regimental headquarters to Colorado, in 1866. He conducted military operations amid many attacks from hostile Sioux Indians until retired from active service in 1870, on account of wounds received in the line of duty. From 1870 to 1878, he was professor of military science at Wabash College, Indiana and authored many orations on the history of war."