"Rio Colorado Camp Yuma
Jan 27, 1851
H. S. Hewit
I hear with have the honor to enclose my resignation of my commission of assistant surgeon in the United States Army.
The resignation is to take effect only on the condition that my recent application for leave of absence of 60 days show have been refused. If that request has been granted. I withdraw the accompanying surrender for the present. These communications are much a consequence of the delay of the receipt of answers to my late application and on account of the urgency of my affairs, which require my presence in the Eastern States
I am Sir
Your obt Svt
H.S. Hewit
Asst Surg, USA
Colonel J. Hooker, U.S.A.
Adjt Genl Third Division"
Early Arizona territory material is very very scarce indeed. Endorsed on the back as follows:
"Camp Yuma
Jan 27th 1851
H.S. Hewit
Letter accompanying resignation of and making it conditional upon the refusal of application for leave of absence.
I respectfully recommend the acceptance of the resignation.
Camp Yuma Col,
Jan. 27, 1851
S. P. Heintzleman
Bvt. Major 2 Infy
Comdg Post."
The endorsement is by Civil War General Samuel P. Heintzleman. Very early western military letter!
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