$295.00 plus shipping
He was engaged in 24 battles, and skirmishes, as follows;
July 24, 1863 Wagner, Sumter July 27 to 31, Aug 1st, Moonlight fight August 5th, 11th & 17th genl attack on Ft Wagner, Oct. 19, 30 & 31st & Nov. 2nd. Monitors Kaatskill, Potapsco & Lehigh at Wagner & Sumter. Nov. 6, 1863 shot away Sumter’s Flagstaff, Sept. 7th Ft. Moultree & James Island Bttys, Jany 30, 64 Ft. Sumter Feby 2d Sumter Feby 11th & 24th f& Mch 7th “Moultree”, May 18, June 6th Ft. Moultree, June 17th Fts. Moultree & Beauregard, June 21st Ft. Moultree. He was disabled Aug. 17, 1863 off Ft. Wagner, Charleston Harbor by being made deaf, being shellman & compressor man of the 15th inch gun.
His most intimate comrades in the service were Joseph Cronen, Henry K. Appleton & Frederick T Pitney
The most important events in his military history, are, 1st the combined attack on Wagner Aug. 17/63 while 400 yards off Wagner, where Capt. George W Rogers was lost. 2d 23 engagements of lesser importance. 3rd almost incessant picket duty off Sumter 4th at the torpedo attack on the Ironsides and the blowing of the USS Housatonic off Charleston.