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Here is a transcript of the letter:
"No. 27
Receiving Hospital
Wednesday Feb 1, 1865
My Darling Wife
The same old story, no letter from you since my last. These interruptions are becoming very boring. I know that the mails cross the ______ and the delay must be caused by the inefficiency or carelessness of the Post Office department it is said that Danville is the point at which our letters stick. I should like to stir them up there A few rations kept back or a pretty strong threat of the trenches might have the desired effect. In the mean time I am left to conjecture & hope as to the condition of things at Aiken. The last newspaper accounts represent Sherman as being on the move on a line across the country that indicates his intention of striking the So Ca Rail Road between Branchville & augusta about half way. Should he succeed in reaching it he will be in unpleasant proximity to you & I suppose that the fears of your community are again excited as to his paying you a visit. With Augusta within easy reach I presume there will be very few people left in Aiken to receive him. I think that his intention is not to move in the direction of Augusta so much as it is to get into the rear of our defenses at Branchville. I trust that many things will happen to stay his progress. The people in these parts are very much Exercised on the subject of Peace, Peace commissioners & Peace rumors
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An Epidemic that finds us ripe for the contagion & so it has spread very fast and Every one guesses _____ & expresses hopes. Messrs Stevens, Campbell, & Hunter left Petersburg last night again for Washington and this time were successful in passing through Grants lines it’s said that the reason for their returning a day or two ago is that Grant was absent and no one else had authority for passing them. I am afraid that if they should fail in their errand the effect will be demoralizing to our army for the rumors have created a sort of elation already that it would be almost sickening to remove from them, some of the remaining ones in Petersburg, predict a cessation of hostilities in thirty days, should this really be in prospect then something must have happened to scare that Yankees exceedingly. I understand that our commissioners “so called” are decided in listening to no terms which will not have for their case entire Southern Independence. With this knowledge, how could old Blair have invited them over unless he had good reasons for thinking that Lincoln would come down from his position. We don't know exactly “a paper in the wind“ but the fact of these three men being encouraged in their visit & old Blairs numerous visits to Richmond, give us a foundation for hoping that this “cruel war” is drawing to its close. Oh that these hopes could soon be realized what joy this would be through the land. What a double quickening it towards home, for myself. I should not await the snail movement of the Cars but try some of other means a
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little faster. I wonder if you will get & comprehend my last production. I feel some curiosity to see your reply to it. I have been at home for four or five days alone get more tired of it every day. The weather is charming, but otherwise, there is no inducement for going out. Petersburg offers no attractions and the trenches less as a place for visiting. Dr. McLean has left us on a leave of absence to go to South Carolina only 21 days in all, & the younger Dr. McLean & myself are left to keep house by ourselves. By this arrangement I have the former’s work to do in addition to my own, but as the increase is very slight it makes very little difference. I have been rejoicing the hearts of some of my men by giving them furloughs, some have not been home for three years. And these men with families too. That time is so short however, that they scarcely get there before it is time for them to return. February has set in, and now there is only 3 months more of winter if this seems so intolerable to us up here what must it be to the poor fellows in the trenches! Interminable. Some of them come through here, looking as if their faces and hands had never seen water. In this desultory sort of an existence you may be sure that my thoughts are frequently with you, constantly throughout the day and I never go to sleep at night without giving you a good long thought, & praying I go to sleep & continue to think of you in my dreams. I try to imagine how my youngest daughter looks and then if Miss Edith will ever have a daughter's affection for me
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I have finished the books that I borrowed and now am without any thing in that line even the newspapers have gone beyond my reach, & it is not always that I get a peep into one. All my present discomforts will make me more of a home person than ever, & I shall hang to my wife's apron strings more tenaciously ever than before.
I hope George Heyward's family have a pleasant journey it would be a terrible thing if she were to require the old woman's assistance on the road. I have heard nothing from Chester for some time. Jamie is not very rapid in answering my letters.
I suppose she has other correspondents who have to be attended to. Aunt Jane has given me up, but the fact is that I do remember exactly who wrote the last letter in our correspondence & I now have so little to write about that my letter would scarcely repay her the trouble of reading it. I shall think of you more & more now and shall follow the enemy's movements in your neighborhood with a great deal of anxiety. I trust that you may again be neglected & that your fears & mine will soon be relieved on the subject
With devoted love My Darling
I am is ever your fond & loving
Kiss my little daughter for me“