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“Camp Trenton February 26/62
Dear companion I was glad to receive your letter this evening and to hear that you were all well I am truly thankful that I can inform you that I am in the enjoyment of good health this blessing I crave for you and myself for if we can enjoy good health the time will pass off much more pleasant I have nothing of interest to write the news here is as uncertain as anywhere else our loss at Fort Donaldson was great but not to compare with that of our enemy ours is estimated at twelve thousand but most of them was taken prisoners I have not seen any account of our loss in killed but we whipped them four times killing about four to one but they reinforced everyday and the men was at last out done with fatigue and had to surrender the surrender of Nashville produced great excitement but the Yankees seem to be at a loss to know what to do with it they had not taken possession of it three days ago they seem to feel that they are on dangerous ground and move very careful I am not at all discouraged at the misfortune for I believe it will turn out to our advantage we are not as well-prepared for a border war as they are but if they come in our country I believe we will whip them when I wrote before I thought that our regiment would be armed in a short time but from the best information that I can get it will be four or five weeks I expect to come home again before we leave here but I have learned that a soldiers life is a very uncertain one therefore I make but little calculations on anything. I find myself to be a creature of circumstances I never thought that I could be satisfied away from home but now my greatest desire is to do my duty as a soldier
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and at the same time to live a Christian I have become somewhat familiar with my duties and I feel the same interest in it as I would any other avocation I was at meeting tonight and heard old Bro Wagster preach a very good sermon this is the third night in succession that I have been to preaching and notwithstanding it was out of doors and had to stand up or sit on the chunk I felt that indeed it was good to be there I am more and more convinced that religion is adapted to our wants in any and every condition in this world in Matthews the 21 chapter and 22d verse you will find these words and all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer believing ye shall receive then let not fail to ask supporting grace for every trial which we may meet and a heart resigned to his holy will if we faithfully do this I believe that all things shall work together for our good give my love especially to Papy and mother mother tell them to write to me it is getting late and I must close give my love to all inquiring friends very affectionately yours
Peter Marchant”