$450.00 plus shipping
William Emerson Strong
Residence Racine WI; a 20 year-old Lawyer.
Enlisted on 4/24/1861 at Racine, WI as a Captain.
On 4/23/1861 he was commissioned into "F" Co. WI 2nd Infantry
He was discharged for promotion on 9/7/1861
On 9/7/1861 he was commissioned into Field & Staff WI 12th Infantry
He was Mustered Out on 9/1/1866
* Major 9/7/1861 (As of 12th WI Inf)
* Lt Colonel 2/10/1863 (Lieut Colonel & Asst Inspector General)
* Lt Colonel 12/19/1864
* Colonel 3/13/1865 by Brevet (Atlanta Campaign)
* Brig-General 3/21/1865 by Brevet
Other Information:
born 8/10/1840 in Granville, NY
Member of GAR Post # 5 (George H. Thomas) in Chicago, IL
died 4/10/1891 in Florence, Italy
Buried: Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, IL
(Married Mary B. Ogden on 04/25/1867)
After the War he lived in Chicago, IL