$250.00 plus shipping
Thirty-sixth Infantry. -- Cols., Frank A. Haskell, John A.
Savage, Jr., Harvey M. Brown, Clement E. Warner; Lieut.-Cols.,
John A. Savage, Jr., Harvey M. Brown, Clement E. Warner,
William H. Hamilton; Majs., Harvey M Brown, Clement E. Warner,
William H. Hamilton, George A. Fisk.
This regiment was organized at Camp Randall, Madison, and was
mustered in in April, 1864. It left the state May 10 and was
sent at once to Spottsylvania where it was assigned to the 1st
brigade, 2nd division, 2nd corps, and was held in reserve
during the engagement there.
It supported a battery at the North Anna River and was in line
of battle, but not engaged, on the following day, Cos. H and K
charged and captured a line of the enemy's works on May 26.
The regiment advanced toward Richmond, and took part in the
battle of Totopotomy.
Cos. B. E, F and G moved forward as skirmishers across an open
field and charged a strong line of works, unsupported, in the
face of a savage fire of grape and musketry from the front and
an oblique fire from right and left, driving in the enemy's
skirmishers and losing 140 in killed, wounded and prisoners
out of 240 engaged. But it accomplished the desired end by
forcing the enemy to concentrate on this point on the double-
quick thus relieving the pressure at the left.
At Cold Harbor the regiment led the advance across an open
field under heavy fire and remained on the field all day
losing 73 men. During the siege of Petersburg, it was engaged
in several severe skirmishes, including one on the Jerusalem
plank road, within 20 rods of the enemy's line, when one-half
of the brigade was captured by a flank movement, the 36th
saving itself by a quick change of front.
It was engaged in skirmishing, short expeditions and picket
duty in and about Petersburg, including Malvern Hill, New
Market Road and Reams' Station where of the 186 officers and
men engaged there was a loss of 138 in killed, wounded and
At Hatcher's run, when separated from its division by a heavy
force, the regiment faced to the rear, made a bayonet charge,
doubled the enemy's line, captured a stand of colors and more
prisoners than it had men engaged. This brought forth warm
words of commendation from Brig.-Gen. Egan, who wrote: "It was
a short fight, that rebel brigade was instantaneously crumbled
and destroyed being mostly captured with arms, colors and
officers, to a total number three times greater than the 36th
* * * I now depend upon them with my veterans."
The regiment repulsed a charge at the same point in Feb. 1865.
With other forces it charged the enemy's line at Hatcher's run
in April, 1865, taking the works at an important point, which
resulted in the entire line giving way. It then pursued Lee's
army and was present at the surrender at Appomattox.
It participated in the grand review at Washington and was
mustered out at Jeffersonville, Ind. July 12, 1865. Its
original strength was 990. Gain by recruits, 24; total,
1,014. Loss by death, 206; desertiion, 21, transfer, 38;
discharge, 214; mustered out, 445.
Source: The Union Army, vol. 4, p. 67
Report of Capt. Austin Cannon, Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry, of
operations August 14-20.
Report of the operations of Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers from
August 14 to 21, 1864:
Landed on north bank of James River at 7 a.m. of 14th instant; moved
out on the New Market road four or five miles. It was a very warm day
and the men suffered considerably from the heat. Several were entirely
overcome by it. About 4 p.m. moved to the right on the Charles City
road a little over a mile, when the brigade was massed,
the Thirty-sixth in the second line, and moved to the edge of a piece of
woods. The First Division was lying in line of battle in a corn-field. In
passing over it my lines got somewhat mixed up. After forming the lines
again, we moved forward on the double-quick. The right of the
regiment went over the hill to a ravine at the bottom; the center stopped
on the crest; the left coming in contact with a house oblique to the left,
but was ordered to fall back. The center and right were under a brisk
fire till 7.30 p.m., when we fell back to the rear about a mile. At 11
p.m. moved back to the front in a piece of woods and bivouacked for
the night. I lost in the engagement 1 officer and 2 men killed; 2 officers
and 14 men wounded, and 1 man missing. We remained camped in the
woods till 12 m. of the 16th, when we moved out and formed a line of
battle along the edge of an open field about 1,500 yards from the
enemy's works. We were shelled a little. I had 4 men wounded. On
17th had 3 men wounded and 2 on the 18th. The regiment had a very
exposed position. On the night of 18th moved to the left and rear and
occupied an old line of breast-works till the night of the 20th, when we
recrossed the river. Our total loss was 1 officer and 2 men killed; 2
officers and 22 men wounded, and 1 man missing, making aggregate of 28.*
I am, very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt., Cmdg.
Lieut.-Col. RUGG,
Cmdg. First Brigade, Second Division, Second Corps.
Report of Capt. George A. Fisk, Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry, of
operations October 27.
October 29, 1864.
CAPT.: I have the honor to report the operations of the Thirty-sixth
Wisconsin Volunteers during the recent battle:
Our skirmish line (sent out after the first works were captured in the
morning) succeeded in driving in the enemy's pickets on our right and
captured their rifle-pits near the saw-mill. After crossing the Dinwidie
plank road the regiment advanced in line with the remainder of the
brigade. When we halted in the open field we were under a heavy
enfilading fire from the enemy's artillery on our left. The command,
however, held their ground, not a man leaving the ranks. When the
enemy charged on the right of the road and drove our forces back to the
road, we faced by the rear rank and advanced on their right flank,
driving them back in confusion and capturing about 100 prisoners and
1 stand of colors. We then fell back to our former position. We lost a
few wounded and prisoners. Nothing further occurred worthy of note.
The men endured the fatigue of the march remarkably well.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Capt., Cmdg. Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteers.
Capt. G. W. RYERSON,
Actg. Asst. Adjt. Gen., 1st Brig., 2d Div., 2d Army Corps.
Source: Official Records
[Series I. Vol. 42. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 87.]
Report of Lieut. Col. Clement E. Warner,
Thirty-sixth Wisconsin Infantry, of operations February 5-7.
February 13, 1865.
SIR: I have the honor to submit the following account of the operations
of this regiment on the 5th, 6th, and 7th of this month:
The regiment left camp at 7 o'clock on the morning of the 5th,
marched about three miles west and formed a line of battle in an open
field near the Armstrong house. Seventy men were sent forward into the
woods as skirmishers; the rest of the regiment threw up breastworks,
and occupied them. On the evening of the 5th two men were captured
by the enemy and one slightly wounded. On the 6th and 7th the
regiment remained in the same position, and sustained no casualties.
Very respectfully,
Lieut.-Col., Cmdg.
Assistant Adjutant-Gen., First Brigade.
Source: Official Records
PAGE 220-95 N. AND SE. VA., N. C., W. VA., MD., AND PA. [CHAP. LVIII.
[Series I. Vol. 46. Part I, Reports. Serial No. 95.]