$395.00 plus shipping
Head Qrs King’s Division
On Rappahannock river opposite
Fredericksburgh, Sunday April 27, 1862
Dear Sister
I wrote you a long letter on Friday last & enclosed it to Hannah to mail from Washington. I have not much news to communicate, but having time today in fearing that you may feel somewhat anxious about me now that we are in the heart of the enemies country.
I improve the opportunity to write again. Since my last nothing of importance has transpired here, a party of about 30 union troops crossed the Rappahannock a few nights since about 25 miles above here & surprised a squad of rebel calvary, killing two & capturing ten others.
The prisoners were brought up here night before last, and are a fine looking, intelligent lot of men, they talk well, & most of them are still sanguine of the success of their cause. They were surprised at the good treatment they had received at the hands of the Union army officers & men, they had heard a great deal of the barbarous treatment which they were
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told the rebel prisoners would receive & had received at our hands & were greatly pleased when they found it otherwise they are now near here in a comfortable prison.
Last night Genl. King thought of sending over a company of men to guard the few union people of Fredericksburg, & prevent the male portion of them from being impressed into the rebel service etc. & asked me if I would like to command it, of course I jumped at the chance & got my pistol ready etc., was disappointed enough when I found that the Gen’l had finally concluded not to send them. Squads of rebel calvary still continue to come into Fredericksburg almost nightly, & seize & carry off all men who can be made available for service, or are suspected of retaining union sentiments. We have had a good many unionist over here to see us from there, & they are very anxious to have us occupy the town at once. It would have been a nice adventure if we could have gone over there last night & bagged a few Rebel Cavalry, horses & all, with little or no loss to ourselves, I ached to go, but of course had to obey orders, but am consoling myself with the idea
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that there will be plenty more chances.
I shall try & go up to Washington to see Hannah this week, had a letter from her today, she is very well indeed.
Gen’ls McDowell & Wadsworth (the latest military Gov of Washington) are downstairs talking with Genl. King. We have not found out as yet how long we will remain here, or where we shall go to- as soon as I do will advise you at once & will write as often as possible.
Love to all & kisses for the little ones, hoping to hear from you very soon & very often, will bid you good morning until I write again.
Your aff Brother
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Written in pencil on the last page is:
“J. L. H. to sister
Falmouth Va April 27/62”