$750.00 plus shipping
"Head Quarters Pacific Division
Sonoma, January 2, 1851
Asst Surgeon H. T. Hewitt
U. S. Army
San Diego
I have the honor to acknowledge by the mail of yesterday, your application for sixty days leave of absence, and am directed by the Major General Commanding the Division to reply that with his present information of your reasons for asking the indulgence he is not prepared to acceed to your request. You state that they are 'personal' 'private' and imperative' but as you do not state what those reasons are the General is furnished with no data to enable him to act advisedly in the case.
Your application, dated the 11th ultimo, should have been forwarded through the Head Quarters of the 10 Department in comformity with 917 paragraph of the Army Regulations.
(page two)
Very respectfully
Your obt Serv
J. Hooker
Asst. Adjt. Genl
10 Dept fd with a copy."
Hewitt has notated on the front panel:
"Answer to Application
for leave of absence
Received Camp Yuma
Rio Colorado Feb 9th 1851"